Purple Star School for Military Families
Ft. Novosel SLO (School Liaison Officer):
Contact: Kimberly Kozel
Email: kimberly.j.kozel.naf@army.mil
Phone: (334) 255-9812 DSN 558
Newton Elementary School was designated a Purple Star School on April 5, 2023 . The Alabama Purple Star Schools Program and Committee, established by legislature with the passage of Act 2021-7, recognizes the efforts of the K-12 schools in the state that are committed and supportive of military students, and their families, as they transition to their new homes and schools. The Purple Star School program was designed to help mitigate the challenges of high mobility by setting standards for and publicly designating military-friendly schools. The Purple Star Award recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation's military. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on site.
Military Family Resources
Ambassador Program: PEER HELPERS
The Peer Helpers program works through a group of students and educators to build a positive school climate and culture. Students selected as Peer Helpers are trained in communication and referral skills and must adhere to the program's Code of Ethics. Peer Helpers support other students as tutors, mentors, and confidants. They perform various roles including individual student support (including military students), RtI Tier II, facilitation of small groups, or leading campus wide campaigns to reduce at-risk behavior and increase attendance. Peer Helpers can offer military students and their families encouragement and assistance while transitioning into the school community.
We have Peer Helpers in 4th - 6th grades. They can easily be identified with their Peer Helpers badges.
( information from ThriveWay, LLC 2022)
School Contact Person:
Mrs. Desiree Williams, Counselor
Email: dwilliams@dalecountyboe.org

Some of our Peer Helpers spent time placing flags along the bus loop in honor of Veterans Day.