Library/Media Center
Contact: Amber McNeal

Click HERE for more information about me.
Welcome to the Newton Elementary School Library!
Dale County School Library Media Mission Statement:
It is the goal and the responsibility of the school media center to provide information access for the school community, to promote literacy and the enjoyment of reading at all levels of development, and to provide leadership in the use of information skills and instructional design. The library media environment shall be conducive to self-discovery and inquiry with a focus on facilitating the learning process. The activities and resources included in the library media program shall be in keeping with the mission of Dale County Schools.
Our K-6th grade students have class time scheduled each week in the library. In addition to class time, all students have an opportunity to visit the library as needed with our built in flexible scheduling.
Don't forget about the Accelerated Reader program!
Please encourage students to set aside time each day to read, so they can work towards their A.R. goal!
To browse our collection, please see "Quick Links" below and choose OPAC.
Happy Reading!:)
It is the goal and the responsibility of the school media center to provide information access for the school community, to promote literacy and the enjoyment of reading at all levels of development, and to provide leadership in the use of information skills and instructional design. The library media environment shall be conducive to self-discovery and inquiry with a focus on facilitating the learning process. The activities and resources included in the library media program shall be in keeping with the mission of Dale County Schools.
Our K-6th grade students have class time scheduled each week in the library. In addition to class time, all students have an opportunity to visit the library as needed with our built in flexible scheduling.
Don't forget about the Accelerated Reader program!
Please encourage students to set aside time each day to read, so they can work towards their A.R. goal!
To browse our collection, please see "Quick Links" below and choose OPAC.
Happy Reading!:)